词译-Things Have Changed

Things Have Changed

Posted by ChenJian on May 26, 2018

Things Have Changed

A worried man with a worried mind

No one in front of me and nothing behind

There’s a woman on my lap and she’s drinking champagne

Got white skin, got assassin’s eyes

I’m looking up into the sapphire-tinted skies

I’m well dressed, waiting on the last train


Standing on the gallows with my head in a noose

Any minute now I’m expecting all hell to break loose


People are crazy and times are strange

I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range

I used to care, but things have changed


This place ain’t doing me any good

I’m in the wrong town, I should be in Hollywood

Just for a second there I thought I saw something move

Gonna take dancing lessons, do the jitterbug rag

Ain’t no shortcuts, gonna dress in drag

Only a fool in here would think he’s got anything to prove


Lot of water under the bridge, lot of other stuff too

Don’t get up gentlemen, I’m only passing through


People are crazy and times are strange

I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range

I used to care, but things have changed


I’ve been walking forty miles of bad road

If the Bible is right, the world will explode

I’ve been trying to get as far away from myself as I can

Some things are too hot to touch

The human mind can only stand so much

You can’t win with a losing hand


Feel like falling in love with the first woman I meet

Putting her in a wheelbarrow and wheeling her down the street


People are crazy and times are strange

I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range

I used to care, but things have changed


I hurt easy, I just don’t show it

You can hurt someone and not even know it

The next sixty seconds could be like an eternity

Gonna get low down, gonna fly high

All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie

I’m in love with a woman who don’t even appeal to me


Mr. Jinx and Miss Lucy, they jumped in the lake

I’m not that eager to make a mistake


People are crazy and times are strange

I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range

I used to care, but things have changed

























































Things Have Changed在wiki


“Things Have Changed” is a song from the film Wonder Boys, written and performed by Bob Dylan and released as a single on May 1, 2000 and won both the Academy Award for Best Original Song and the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song.

“Things Have Changed”是一首来自电影《Wonder Boys》的歌曲,由Bob Dylan创作和演唱,并在2001年5月1日以单曲发行,获得了“奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲”和“金球奖最佳原创歌曲奖”。

Dylan critics disagree about when this song was recorded. According to Olof Björner, “Things Have Changed” was recorded in May 1999 at Sterling Sound studios in New York. Clinton Heylin, in his account of Dylan’s songs between 1974 and 2008, believes the song was recorded at Sony Studios, New York, probably on 25 and 26 July 1999. During this latter date, Dylan was touring the US with Paul Simon.

Dylan的评论者对这首歌的录制方式持不同意见。根据Olof Björner所述说,”Things Have Changed”的录制时间在1999年5月,地点是纽约的Sterling Sound录音室。而在Clinton Heylin对1974年到2008年的Dylan歌曲纪录中,认为歌曲是在纽约索尼录音室录制,时间大约在1999年7月的25号,或者26号。而在后续的时间中,Dylan正在和Paul Simon在美国巡回演出。

Sources agree the musicians who accompanied Dylan in the studio were his touring band at the time: Charlie Sexton and Larry Campbell on guitar, Tony Garnier on bass and David Kemper on drums.

对此有音乐家表示赞同。这群人正是那段时间中在录音室陪伴Dylan的巡演乐队:司职吉他的Charlie Sexton和Larry Campbell,司职贝斯的Tony Garnier,以及司职架子鼓的David Kemper。

Kemper has said, “We were touring and had a day off in New York. Bob said, “Tomorrow let’s go into the studio. I got a song I want to record. We went in and played “Things Have Changed” with only an engineer. We did two takes. The first was a New Orleans thing. The second was what you hear. So in about five hours we learned it recorded it, mixed it.

Kemper说:“我们正在巡演,并在纽约停留数日。Bob说,‘明天一起去录音室,我有首歌想要录制一下’。于是我们去了,在只有一名工程师的情况下,演奏了‘Things Have Changed’,我们录制了两个版本,第一个是新奥尔良类型,第二版本就是你们听到的。所以在5个小时内,我们一边学它,一边录制它,或者两者都有”。

Engineer Chris Shaw has confirmed there was another version, which “was really great, which had a kind of New Orleans shuffle to it”. Shaw hoped to include this unreleased version on Volume 8 of Dylan’s Bootleg Series, Tell Tale Signs. But when the studio recording could not be located, it was replaced by a live version recorded in Portland, Oregon, on June 15, 2000, which Heylin describes as “mediocre”.

工程师Chris Shaw认为还有另一个版本,这个版本是“真的非常伟大,伴随一种新奥尔良的感觉混淆其中”。Shaw希望这首位发行的版本能被容纳到Dylan的地下唱片系列“Tell Tale Signs”中。但是,录音室地点未确定。最后,在2000年6月15日的俄勒冈州的波特兰,其展现出一个现场录制版本,Heylin认其为“很平庸的”。


Clinton Heylin has written that “Things Have Changed” demonstrates a close knowledge of the film Wonder Boys, for which it was written. The lyrics make reference to “dancing lessons”, “the jitterbug rag” and dressing “in drag”, all of which feature in the plot of the film.

Clinton Heylin写道,“Things Have Changed”明显是基于电影《Wonder Boys》写的。歌词中提及“舞蹈课堂(dancing lessons)”,“吉特巴舞步(the jitterbug rag)”,以及穿着异性服饰(dress in drag),这些都是电影场景里面的特点。

  • p.s. The slang term “drag” refers to the wearing of clothing of the opposite sex, and may be used as a noun as in the expression in drag, or as an adjective as in drag show.

Curtis Hanson, the director of Wonder Boys, has recalled: “I learned that Dylan might be interested in contributing an original song… So when I came back from filming in Pittsburgh, Bob came by the editing room to see some rough cut footage. I told him the story and introduced him to the characters. We talked about Grady Tripp and where he was in life, emotionally and creatively. Weeks later a CD arrived in the mail.”

电影《Wonder Boys》的导演Curtis Hanson说到,“我觉得Dylan可以有兴趣为影片写一首原创歌曲。所以当我从匹兹堡拍摄现场回来,Bob来到编辑室看一些剪切的镜头。我讲述了整个故事,以及介绍了一些角色。我们随意的,或者创造性的聊了Grady Tripp以及他曾去过的地方。几周后,含有CD的邮件寄到了。”

Dylan critic Kees de Graaf places “Things Have Changed” in the context of the Biblical teaching Dylan encountered when he studied with the Vineyard Fellowship in the late 1970s. For de Graff, the sense that “the world may come to an end at any moment” pervades the song. De Graaf notes the images of “the last train”, “all hell may break loose”, “standing on the gallows with my head in a noose”, all contributing to a sense of impending Armageddon: “the last battle of the end times when all powers from hell will explode in one final outburst of violence.”

Dylan评论者Kees de Graaf认为“Things Have Changed”来自圣经所教Dylan,但是Dylan正在60年代末期与“Vineyard Fellowship”进行学习。对于de Graaf,“这个世界可能会随时终结(the world may come to an end at any moment)”的场景弥漫在歌曲中。De Graaf注意到“末班车(the last train)”,“摆脱糟糕的一切(all hell may break loose)”,“站在绞刑架前,头套着绞索(standing on the gallows with my head in a noose)”都是指向一种即将到来的世界末日善恶决战的战场场景:在时间的末端,地狱中所有能量将会暴力的爆发。

Dylan critic Michael Gray has commented on the wide range of sources in the lyrics of the song, describing it as unique for the way it combines the worlds of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Duane Eddy.

Dylan评论者Michael Gray则是从歌词中一个大的视觉来评论,认为它是唯一的包含了波比·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)和杜安·艾迪(Duane Eddy)的世界。

Gray sees Dylan’s line “I’m looking up into the sapphire-tinted skies” as an allusion to Shelley’s phrase “sapphire-tinted skies” in line 71 of “Written among the Euganean Hills, North Italy”.

Gray认为Dylan歌词中的“I’m looking up into the sapphire-tinted skies”是间接涉及到雪莱的诗句,在《Written among the Euganean Hills, North Italy》中第71行的“sapphire-tinted skies”。

“Forty Miles of Bad Road” was a 1959 instrumental hit for Duane Eddy. According to Gray, Eddy’s producer Lee Hazlewood heard one Texan say to another, “Your girl has a face like forty miles of bad road,” and immediately recognised the remark’s potential as a song title.

而“Forty Miles of Bad Road”是杜安·艾迪在1959年的打击乐。根据Gray所说,艾迪的制作人曾听到一个得克萨斯州人给另一个人说,“你的女孩有张四十米破旧小路的脸(Your girl has a face like forty miles of bad road)”,于是立即认为这言论可以是某首歌曲的歌名。


On March 25, 2001, at the 73rd Academy Awards, “Things Have Changed” was awarded the Oscar for Best Original Song. At the time, Dylan was touring Australia. He and his band performed the song in a segment recorded in Sydney, that was inserted into the Academy Awards broadcast via a satellite link.

在2001年3月25号第73届奥斯卡奖颁奖中,“Things Have Changed”被授予奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖。当时Dylan正在澳大利亚巡演,他和他的乐队在悉尼录制了片段,并通过卫星连接到奥斯卡广播中。

In his awards speech, broadcast from Sydney, Dylan said: “I want to thank the members of the Academy who were bold enough to give me this award for this song, which obviously is a song that doesn’t pussyfoot around nor turn a blind eye to human nature.”



Curtis Hanson, who directed Wonder Boys, also directed the music video for “Things Have Changed”. He intercut footage of Dylan with sequences from the feature film, to suggest that Dylan was appearing in the film. The video appears on the bonus DVD included in the Limited Edition version of Dylan’s 2006 album Modern Times.

电影《Wonder Boys》的导演Curtis Hanson,同样也拍摄了视频“Things Have Changed”。他将Dylan与影片片段进行混合,仿佛Dylan就在电影中。视频出现在限量DVD中,例如Dylan的2006年的《Modern Times》专辑。

The single did not enter the Billboard Hot 100. The single reached #58 in the UK Singles Chart in October 2000.


On February 2, 2014, an arrangement of “Things Have Changed” was used in a commercial for the Chrysler 200, aired during Super Bowl XLVIII. Dylan narrated and starred in the commercial, saying “When it’s made here, it’s made with the one thing you can’t import from anywhere else — American pride… So let Germany brew your beer, let Switzerland make your watch, let Asia assemble your phone. We will build your car.”

在2014年2月2号,一个整修过的版本“Things Have Changed”被用作商业活动中,在超级碗(Super Bowl XLVIII)期间的克莱斯勒200宣传片中,Dylan出现在宣传片中,讲到“但它被在此制作,它就被一种无法替代的东西去制作——美国荣耀。所以,让德国为你造酒,让瑞士为你造表,让亚洲为你组装手机。让我们为你造车。(When it’s made here, it’s made with the one thing you can’t import from anywhere else — American pride… So let Germany brew your beer, let Switzerland make your watch, let Asia assemble your phone. We will build your car.)”



  1. Things Have Changed歌词
  2. 鲍勃·迪伦的歌Things Have Changed歌词怎样翻译比较好
  3. Drag (clothing)

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